德国 奥勒巴赫 Oehlbach 超高速高清线 - 黑魔法 MKII, 专为高清画质及声音所开发, 适合电影及游戏. 在 4K 下可达到 120Hz 及 HDR10+ 的画质, 在 8K 下可达到 60Hz.
传输速度是每秒 48Gb, 支援所有的家庭娱乐音乐格式, 三层屏蔽 ( 两层铜箔, 一层铜编织 ) 抗干扰并保护信号无损传递. 黑白两种颜色 ( 国内先进货白色 1.5m 型号 ).
Ready for the future in 8K (60Hz) - Oehlbach Ultra High Speed HDMI® Cable Black Magic MKII. This HDMI cable is made for crystal clear pictures and sound for movies and games in 4K (with up to 120Hz and HDR10 Plus) and is also ready for the 8K standard. In return, it has a bandwidth of 48 Gbit/s and supports all important audio formats in home entertainment. For interference-free and loss-free signal transmission with triple shielding, an inner conductor made of OFC copper and equipped with 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. Available in black or white, with 1.50 m or 2 m length.
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