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   前言:RCF是唯一的获意大利政府官方MIUR认证的音频领域科研机构,拥有近40个获得专业资格的工程师分布在声学, 电子和机械制造工程等部门。RCF作为音频工业的倡导者,从单元开始,一直引领音频工业的发展。RCF重视研发,专注于技术的创新,占据应用技术前沿。

2009年,广州新珑开始代理意大利RCF单元,与其达成战略合作伙伴关系;2010年,LDH新珑音响成为意大利RCF单元中国区唯一官方指定代理。2015年2月,广州新珑电子科技有限公司成功入驻芳村商品酒店城。意大利RCF总裁、亚太区销售总监Lars亲临新珑新址实地考察时表示,LDH新珑音响有实力有能力把 RCF 做好。“我非常高兴能与蓝总合作,相信在2015年我们会再创辉煌,抢占中国娱乐高端市场制高点!我们的未来一定会很美好!”

 音响网(Audio160): 拉斯,您好!很高兴您能接受我们的访问。能否先自我介绍一下(包括工作经历、兴趣爱好等),并谈谈您在RCF的工作?
Lars, how are you? It is quite delighted for us that you could accept our interview.  Could you introduce yourself briefly (including working experience, hobbies etc.) and your job at RCF S.p.A ?

Thanks a lot, I am fine and thanks for giving me this opportunity of an interview.
Before joining RCF I worked for six years in sales and marketing of a Japanese loudspeaker manufacturer in EMEA regions. In 2009 I changed to RCF and moved from Germany to Italy. I like growing vegetable and playing tennis and enjoy my life in Italy very much with its remarkable history, food culture and way of living.
For RCF I took over responsibility for East Asian countries in 2011.

译文:您好!十分感谢。感谢给我这次访谈的机会。在加入RCF之前,我在日本的一家音箱厂负责市场销售工作,工作有6个年头。在2009年,我去了RCF, 也从德国搬到了意大利。在意大利,我喜欢种蔬菜,打网球,享受在意大利的生活,意大利有着悠久的历史,美食文化,与众不同的生活方式。从2011年开始,我在RCF负责东亚国家市场。

音响网(Audio160): 请简单介绍一下RCF的发展史及产品。
Please make brief introduction of RCF development history and products.

RCF is an historical audio manufacturer which was founded 65 years ago by three men, Rossi, Campari and Ferrari. The company started with ribbon microphones but soon later developed already transducers. And this is one of the core business till now. RCF continuously invents in new technologies applied on transducers. Apart from the transducer business, RCF is also a manufacturer of Pro Audio products with a worldwide presence.

译文: RCF是一家历史悠久的音响生产商,创建于65年前,由3个人创建,分别是罗西,金巴利,法拉利。起初开始生产铝带式话筒,但很快开始研发喇叭传感器。迄今,这仍然是核心生意之一。 RCF不断投入资金在喇叭传感器上的新技术研发。除此之外,RCF也是一家销售遍及全球的专业音频产品生产商。

Please talk about your opinions on Chinese audio market.

The Chinese Audio market is demanding. You have to have the right product at the right price and a very good service. If those core conditions are met then you can make big turnover since China offers a huge audio market. But if one of the conditions are not met, then you will achieve only minor business volumes.
The Chinese market still prefers passive speaker systems but I believe that this will change in the future since active speakers offer more advantages.

译文:中国音响市场要求很高的。您不得不拥有合适的产品及合理的价格与优良的服务, 如果这些核心的条件满足了,您就可以完成大的成交量,因为中国享有非常大的音响市场。但是,如果其中任何一个条件不满足的话,您的销售量将非常小。

What are the advantages of your RCF technology? What is your idea about the future developing trend?

Our new technologies in the recent past allowed a better cooling of the transducer’s moving parts and a reduction of the impedance. We realise nowadays a much better efficiency and power handling. The future trend will offer improved magnetic circuits smaller voice coils on woofers. The voice coils of compression drivers tend to be bigger instead, by the way, RCF manufactures its voice coils all in Italy, handmade.


LDH Audio as your Chinese strategic cooperation partner, please talk about your requirement for choosing cooperation partner and the historical background of your cooperation with LDH Audio.

We share with LDH Audio a long history in China. LDH was always a reliable partner. We can count on them. They created the RCF markets for transducers in China and brought us to a higher level. We are now one the most respected brands in China and this is because of the sales and marketing efforts of LDH.

译文:在中国,我们与LDH Audio 有着很长的历史。LDH总是一位值得信赖的合作伙伴。我们信任他们。在中国,他们开拓了许多RCF喇叭传感器的市场,把我们RCF推向一个更高的平台。现在,在中国,我们都是值得最信赖的品牌。这都归功于LDH的市场与销售的开发及努力付出。

Please make the list of typical products of cooperation with your RCF and LDH Audio and talk about the effects of your RCF products on Chinese market.

LDH promotes nearly all the transducers that we offer in our catalogue. Some well-chosen models are for instance MB10G253, MB12X351, MB15X351 ,LF12G801, LF18X401,CD350 and many others. These transducers were developed considering the requirements of the entertainment market but are not limited to this.
KTVs, bars and clubs were targets for us and we had to create transducers that meet Chinese customer’s demands.

译文:LDH几乎推广我们画册上所提供的全部喇叭传感器型号。一些比较出色的型号有,如MB10G253,MB12X351, MB15X351, LF12G801, LF18X401,CD350等许多其它型号。这些喇叭传感器都是根据娱乐市场所要求研发而成的,但又不限于此。
KTV, 酒吧与夜总会都是我们的目标。我们不得不研发出满足于中国客户的要求。

Since cooperation with LDH Audio, what market did your RCF open in China?

Before our co-operation with LDH our business was touching only the surface of Chinese market. LDH paved the way for lifting up our brand and opened the big business that is possible in China. Especially the entertainment market is important for us now. We are and want to stay at top positions in this market field.


LDH Audio specializes in after-sales 24 house response for customers with professional service management. Please illustrate in detail how your RCF makes the good service for Chinese customers.

First of all, customers enjoy a very high reliability of products when choosing RCF.
As is well-known, RCF transducer has the best quality in the audio field. 
it is our common goal, LDH and RCF want to offer convenient and quick service for customers . They have the appropriate service centre to carry out the reparations. We offer one of the best and quickest service in the audio market in China.




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