音响网(Audio160.com) > 行业资讯 > 音响展会 > 展会新闻(耳机) > 2019年最后一场大展,邀您相约东京秋叶原耳机祭
更新时间:2019-12-11 10:15:25 编辑:白云 文章来源:qdc耳机 调整文字大小:【

时间过得真快哇,转眼间就迎来了2019年最后一场大展了—Portable Audio Festival 2019。



时间:12月14、15日 11:00-18:00

How time flies! We're coming to the last HiFi show in 2019, Portable Audio Festival 2019.

The exhibition is held by Japan's largest earphone stores, E-earphone. As usually, it will hold at Akihabara Building, Tokyo, Japan. You are sure to have the opportunity to try the latest earphones, players and other portable audio products from all over the world. 

Of course we will join the exhibition and bring you a surprise. You are welcome to experience the latest Uranus, the one dynamic and one BA earphone. It lanuched last month on domestic market and is very popular among the audiophiles.

Maybe you've heard it but not tried yet. Here is a good chance for you. Besides, we have all qdc profuct lines for you, welcome!

Event Date: December 14th、15th
    Event Place:Akihabara Building
    qdc Booth:B1-74

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