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更新时间:2013-1-7 15:39:39  ( 编辑:温情 )    【 】     手机访问

前言: 为了更好的拓展国内业务,提升FaitalPro音响的知名度和市场占有率,在经过了长期的互动和良好的合作后,近日,FaitalPro指定广州番禺菲声特有限公司(Fine Sound Transducer)为其在大中华地区的独家音响单元代理商。

  FaitalPro音响是意大利设计、生产组装的纯意大利专业单元,具有意大利设计的单元固有的风格,同时又不失自己的特色。目前,FaitalPro音响的足迹已经遍布全球各地。在新的一年,FaitalPro将继续发力,积极拓展其在中国国内市场的业务。   为了更好的拓展国内业务,提升FaitalPro音响的知名度和市场占有率,在经过了长期的互动和良好的合作后,近日,FaitalPro指定广州番禺菲声特有限公司(Fine Sound Transducer)为其在大中华地区的独家音响单元代理商。
  菲声特公司位于中国音响制造基地广州,拥有广阔的市场潜力。在以后的合作发展中,FaitalPro公司将对菲声特公司予以大力支持,共同为广大客户和消费者提供最优质的音响单元产品和服务。相信在菲声特公司和FaitalPro公司的共同努力下,FaitalPro音响在中国国内市场会越来越受欢迎!   广州番禺菲声特有限公司(Fine Sound Transducer)   地址:广东省广州市番禺区市桥镇南堤东路660号(德宝花园)   电话:020-84707970   传真:020-84707970   邮箱:faitalpro@126.com


更多相关:  音响

Faital's history reflects the Group's constant innovation and growth over the last 50 years. The various milestones that have been achieved since the Company was established in 1958 have allowed it to become an important point of reference in the world markets.
In the new millennium, the Group consolidates their achievements after almost half a century in business by successfully entering the North American Automotive market. A sales and logistic center is established near New York city in the USA in response to market opportunities and in keeping with the Group's philosophy. Similarly, to increase their capacity and competitivity, Faital establishes a new manufacturing facili0y in Hungary and a new sales & logistics center in Hong Kong to support their Asian clients. The new millennium also marks the beginning of a diversification strategy for Faital that leads to the development of the Professional Audio Division and the FaitalPRO brand, a full line of premium loudspeakers for Professional Audio applications. The group's constant growth is the result of an ongoing commitment to achieve a complete understanding of Clients' requirements. Design, manufacturing and product quality control systems are all proactively geared towards Total Customer Satisfaction. The company's mission is to ensure that the four basic features of Faital products are met: Technology, Quality, Service and Competitiveness. The establishement of the Pro-Audio Division generated the opportunity and need for Technology Transfer between the two realities.


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